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Tag: New Zealand

A bit of an anticlimax…

The little system up north is developing into something bigger…. 🙁

While we could have a good 800nm, the final 200nm would be VERY uncomfortable so we, along with the rest of the fleet, have decided to delay our departure. For how long is anybody’s guess (hopefully days, but it could be weeks).

We shall go for a local sail in the BoI for the next couple of days though.

We are ready…. but unfortunately still waiting…

We are ready to sail!

The jobs list has no high priority items on it. The freezers are full (thankfully after being fixed by Joe from Northfreeze !), The engine and Genset are fully serviced, the rigging is tip-top (thanks Sean and Buddha). Crew ready go!

We are scheduled to clear out of NZ tomorrow for a departure on Monday (or Tuesday, weather depending).

Just getting here has been a journey and many people have willing helped the cause. (I have put several NZ kids through private school though!) Special mention to Philip the builder who has lent me his spare car for the week… It was so helpful!

Crew relaxed and looking forward to the cruise
Thanks Philip!

Only 3 more sleeps… (weather permitting)

The jobs list is finally getting to a manageable size! Michelle has been making Mari look pretty today and Dave has been playing plumber, installing a new kitchen tap, all day.

There is a weather system developing near Vanuatu that may delay our departure, but the fleet is still aiming for Monday.

Final crew member Greg arrives this evening.

Dave the plumber
You missed a spot Michelle!
Looking good and ready to sail… Roll on Monday!

Looking forward to sailing under the full moon next week.

Life raft is now on the rail.

The last big job was ticked off today when we had the newly packed life raft mounted on a custom built frame in the rail.

Dean the stainless man bravely drilling through my toerail
A spot of welding
Almost done
Finished! The top rail will allow us to attach rod holder or BBQ or work table