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We’ve been enjoying the flat seas inside the New Caledonia lagoon and even had a great run under parasailor.

Nick from “Libertalia” was able to snap some shots of us flying by the Amedee lighthouse.

Beautiful Ua – magic still day

Ua is yet another of those tiny beautiful islands in the southern lagoons. Unspoilt and completely natural. We happened to be there on a perfectly still day where the water was like glass and so clear you could look down and clearly see the anchor 15 metres below. It was like floating over an aquarium. We saw rays, turtles, sharks, lots of fish and gorgeous coral.

Photo from Glen on Crazy Daisy -The islands appeared to be floating
Early morning coffees on our own private island
….almost private

Ile Ouen and Ile Casy

After saying goodbye to Ro and greeting Steve and Jude we reprovisioned and set off for Baie da la Tortue on Ile Ouen. Much to my excitement we saw a dugong on the way. I hadn’t seen one in the wild before. This was a great tranquil anchorage enabling us to sit out the strong winds. Paul, Steve and Jude went for a walk up the mountain for a great view (photos are on Paul’s camera so I can’t upload them yet).

We then popped around to Anse Majic for some nice snorkelling and then on to Ile Casy. We had been to Ile Casy many years ago and the coral has been destroyed since then. The resident caretaker of the island, a dog called Moose, was still alive back then and he took us for guided walk around the island. Here are some photos from our latest walk.

Lola Lei came and picked up a mooring near us and we had sundowners on their boat. Paul and Justin arranged to dive on a sunken yacht just near the moorings the following day.

Ilot Amédée – with Ro

Beautiful sail under asymmetrical spinnaker to Ilot Amadee where the Amedee Lighthouse is. Quick trip to the island to get the lay of the land because everything was closed. Things only open when the tourist boat comes over on its day trips. The next morning we went back to the island to climb the lighthouse and do some snorkelling with turtles which were really placid and quite unconcerned about all the people. Really windy in the afternoon. Lively sail to Îlot Maître where we tried to anchor a few times before giving up due to unpleasant conditions and poor holding. Ended up in a lovely quiet anchorage at Ile Uéré. 

Quiet morning paddling and swimming before heading in to Port Moselle marina in Nouméa. Sadly it was time for Rohan to go home and for our next guests to arrive.