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Towards Viti Levu

Jammed in to Vuda marina. Getting on and off the boat was a challenge, especially at low or high tide.

To make our way to Vuda Point marina on the western side of the main island of Viti Levu we decided to go via the northern end of the island. The first night was spent at Nananu-I-cake island. This was close to a couple of affluent looking islands with modern, posh looking houses, including a private island where the main means of transport seemed to be helicopter. It was a real contrast to the villages we had seen up until now.

The second night was spent off Vatia beach where there was supposed to be an “eco resort”. Hmm, we arrived at low tide and tried to access the beach but to no avail, the shore was shallow and rocky all the way. We had been looking forward to an icy cold beer as advertised, since our beer supply had run out. Oh well….instead we had sundowners on another boat we had been leap frogging along the coast with called Scoots. They were an American couple called Vandy and Eric. It was a very pleasant evening.

We arrived at Vuda Marina the following day where they squeezed us in between a couple of other boats. The marina is arranged in a circle with all the boats around the outside with either bow or stern pointing in to the middle. It is very sheltered (read stifling) inside and is considered to be a bit of a hurricane hole. It had access to lots of services and we were able to arrange for the water maker to be fixed, also the freezer and air con.

The local watering hole – The Boatshed.

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